The Mars Daybreak (絢爛舞踏祭 ザ・マーズ・デイブレイク) is a science-fiction anime series that aired on TV Tokyo from April 1 to September 23, 2004. Directed by Kunihiro Mori and co-produced by TV Tokyo, Dentsu and Bones. The anime series is licensed by Bandai Entertainment.

The Mars Daybreak takes place in a future where Mars is covered in one massive ocean, except for the peak of Olympus Mons, with humans living in drifting city-ships. The Martian economy is based mostly on water, a readily available resource and the planet's main export. A cease fire in the Pan-Galactic war, however, has reduced demand for the export of water, driving the Martian economy into recession.

The ocean-covered environment makes a perfect setting for commercial trade ships and pirates using submarines, who regularly raid the city-ships for supplies. The most renowned and feared of the pirate vessels is the Ship of Aurora, which makes a habit of reselling its booty cheap so that it can be redistributed to the less fortunate folk. The pirates pose such a problem that the Earth government, which controls Mars, dispatches elite units to deal with the threat of piracy. The use of specialized underwater mecha, called Round Bucklers, allows them to seek and engage their talented and very elusive prey. Ironically, one of the elite Round Buckler divers of the Earth Forces is an old friend of Gram, the main protagonist. Thus, the setting for Gram to team up with the crew of the Ship of Aurora is set.

Soon after being fired from his most recent place of work, Gram is offered a job helping a smuggler steal goods from the military warehouses. He refuses, and instead finds himself going to the warehouse district to help a friend. During their escape, the Ship of Aurora attacks the city-ship Adena. While in the process of saving his friend, Gram falls into the ocean. Gram is saved by a Round Buckler that appears, which seems to come for the pendant he wears. Gram would soon find that this pendant is a Mars Aborigine's artifact called the "Mark of the Chiefs." With a link to this mysterious Round Buckler, Gram is led into an association with the crew of the Ship of Aurora.

Source: Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.or...
